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Showing posts from November, 2013

Watching disappointments become appointments

We've had an interesting couple weeks. In fact, we've been amazed by the way God has worked to help give us some clarity about our next steps in life, and in service to HIM. Rebecca and I have been prayerfully considering a few options...and through this we have searched out much counsel. Recently, we both just read a book called Out of the Comfort Zone by George Verwer (founder of the missions organization Operation Mobilisation). This short books covers many aspects of missions and is an energizing look at how we as Christians are to obediently fulfil the Great Commission...but we were both hit by a passage that, for us, really explains this past year. " Beware of the struggles you will face as you launch into this: there will be failure; there will be disappointments. But remember that Disappointments  in evangelism can often be God's appointment to teach us something greater and something better" (84)  This has been true in our past. It is true today.