We all fell asleep fairly early last night and since the church
service we were attending didn't start until 11:00 we had a nice lazy morning
just laying around. It was quite nice.
The owners of the house we are staying in (and pastors of another
local church) invited us over to their side of the home for coffee and to meet
a group visiting from the Netherlands. We had a great time hearing about their
long time involvement in the Balkans and we were able to share what God is
doing through baseball.
Berat was off during this time picking up Maples and Faisal. These guys have been a huge encouragement over the last couple months. Faisal was the main force behind the video that we released about the Kosovo Baseball camps and will be joining us in June as well.
After a very nice couple of hours enjoying our food and being out under the trees, we headed down to the old town of Kosovo. Our first impression was how much had changed. This entire area was burned down by Serbian troops back in ’99…and international investors and Kosovar leaders have put forth great effort to rebuild this area. You can see the fruits of their labor. In addition to the return of the local merchants and craftspeople, it has become a popular destination for young Kosovars to enjoy a coffee or meal.
After a nice walk though most of the downtown area, we returned to our accommodations. It is very cool to be able to share this experience with Kailyn and Justin…but it is also really awesome to have Faisal and Maples with us as well.
Tomorrow we get to visit the hostel/ministry conference center where the camp team will be staying in June, the host school for the camp, and a couple of other assorted places. We continue to be struck by the balance of great hope for the future and a great need for a true understanding of where hope comes from. Pray that we will take opportunities to share the news of salvation and that through all we do here, bring glory to God!
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